Monitor Merchant Onboarding, Transaction Processing & Merchant Settlement to identify Risk & prevent Frauds
Merchant Acquisition and onboarding is critical to boost the Digital economy. However, how do you identify fraudulent Merchants in your Payment eco-system? As an Acquirer Bank, your ability to spot fraudulent Merchant behaviour needs to be quick and responsive. Instances of merchant fraud are increasing by the day and is becoming common and costly, resulting in enormous losses for Acquiring Banks worldwide each year.
Merchant fraud detection can be particularly difficult, given the size, speed and complexity of the digital payments landscape. Is there an effective merchant fraud protection solution that can detect and prevent these frauds and therefore can be more cost-effective than dealing with the consequences?
BANKiQ FRC’s curated Acquirer specific Transaction monitoring & Fraud Management solution provides instant Alerts by spotting unusual behaviour through a ready to deploy solution. As a Merchant Acquiring Bank, you can Risk score during Merchant on-boarding, during processing of Transactions acquired by these merchants and during Transactions settlement.
Connect with us to discuss on how BANKiQ FRC solution can provide safer Merchant Acquisition and prevent Frauds.